Monday, September 19, 2011

Uncle Toms Rebellion

I'm going to be honest I might just switch my paper to a different topic. I am a passionate individual and as a passionate individual I am quick to get upset. There are events that transpire throughout the course of world history that bother me. It is for this reason I am a historian. I like controversy. I like debate. I wish that we had more debate and controversy at brigham young university. unfortunately we are all like minded individuals with the same ambition and the same religion, so it is very infrequent to ever experience any type of debate. As a result many times classes are boring. With this being stated, however, I had a very interesting and motivating debate a few classes ago.
We were discussing the creation of the SANC (south african national congress) in class. This for a time was very interesting. The congress formed in 1902 by well educated black South Africans. Their intention was to establish equal rights through petitioning those who held them captive. They went forth to the king of England and petitioned for their rights. That was in 1914. In 1919 they sent a delegation to versailles. In 1936 the Hertzog Bills were signed and blacks in south Africa lost their rights.
 There is a picture of the delegates to versalles. They are dressed in white attire. The transcript shows that the spoke like whites. Their actions show that they act like whites. As a result they accomplished nothing. Brother Malcom would have called these men the "house negroes" I would call these men "house negroes" They tried to do things the white way and they failed. Why did they fail? Because any impoverished society that has tried to prove that they are "Whiter than the white man" has always failed. While the SANNC dressed in sleek suits and bow ties their brothers lived in huts. I do not huts in a derogatory fashion i mean that as a matter of fact way. How could anyone so impovirished and so discriminated against ever listen to their brothers who were not in their same circumstances? It is impossible to do so.
Change has only come by civil unrest. People are not inspired by the status quo. They have never been inspired by the status quo. They have always been inspired by the thought of their own identity. they have always been inspired by acting by their own race and nationality. Moses did not free the people of israel by telling his people to act like egyptians. No he inspired them by thoughts of a better life. thoughts of their own country and thoughts of their own freedom. he organized the common man and with the help of divine inspiration he set his people free.
Ghandi did not liberate the his people through dressing in the form of a white man. Rather he shed his fine cloaks. denied his status as an elite but inferior to white aristocrat within British governed India, and became one of the masses. He dressed in home spon clothing, which was a sign of Indian Nationalism.
Martin Luther King did not inspire black in the South to be like the white man. he aknolwedged the differences and then created strikes and riots. He inspired the working African American class to rise up and tear down the wall of racism that prevented blacks from gaining equality. He inspired the masses to gain their independance rather than petition from the back of the bus.
What was the result of the SANNC and their approach to equality. South African's who once had their independence lost it. It was a retroactive revolution. As a result it took South Africa thirty years longer than any other industrialized nation to gain equality. That is pathetic.  

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