Thursday, October 20, 2011

tired and dead

This really is an SOS call. I dont understand this at all. I am a good student. My GPA proves it. I get A's. I take hard classes. These hard classes I usually get A's in. I am usually stressed while getting A's in these classes, but this is different. This is so much different. I am trying my hardest and I am not even scratching the surface. From the time I woke up in this morning until right now I have done nothing but study for my stats test. Two days ago I listened to half of a documentary, tried to fill out the paper that goes along with it so I could turn it in on Friday, but failed to do so (its ok because I realized that it was due yesterday anyway). I have a Midterm to study for next week, an introduction and outline to write, the next week I have a term paper and a book to read. I am failing and I dont know what to do.  

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