Friday, October 14, 2011

Research, Gandhi: A Glutten For Punishment

For my paper I am writing concerning the personalities and sufferings of civil rights activists within South Africa. I have started my research by studying Gandhi. this is in large part due to the fact that it was really quite easy to obtain an electronic of his autobiography. However,  I was learning about Gandhi's experience in South Africa and it was fairly interesting. First, he refused to stop wearing his turban in the law offices of South Africa. What is interesting was the fact that Gandhi writes that he didn't even wear his turban after he left South Africa. However, because he wore the turban one time and was asked to take it off, he just started wearing the Turban. As time continued Gandhi was asked to move from his first class seat in a train and move to another part of the train. Again Gandhi refused and was disciplined as a result. Really, Gandhi had oppositional defiance disorder. There is no other way around it. I think all revolutionaries and reformers tend to hate being told what to do. Well behaved individuals seldom make history. I think this is why Mormon's really will not make a marked impact upon society ever. We conform too easily. I mean for heaven sake we are in a school where we are required to follow a ridiculous dress and living code and no one ever does anything about it. If I weren't so dang afraid that the revolution would fail and I would be kicked out of school I would do it, but I guess that is what separates me from Gandhi. I am not afraid to jeopardize my own happiness for the betterment of society.

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