Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I like this guy

Although Mr. Magaziner undoubtedly does not use his real name to publish this book I really liked what the guy had to say. He is radical. This section in magaziner's book deals mainly with the emergence of the black consciouness movement in South African society. This movement is pretty awesome if you ask me. I liken it to the Nation of Islam movement under the direction of elijah muhammed and malcom X. I am guessing that the over effect of the members of Black consciousness societies were little in regard to personally changing the way things were in South Africa. However, I am betting that their radical approach toward ending apartheid tended to radicalize other groups within South Africa. Black Consciousness was the realization that Africa was for black people. They did not want or need the help of any other groups. They were here first and as a result they should keep the land. As a result when white liberals attempted to help these people they flat out rejected them. They (Black Concious leaders) saw white liberals as never truly being able to understand their situation. Moreover, they white liberals as "individuals that always new what was best for black consciousness leaders." Like the Nation of Islam in the United States, the Black Consciousness movement tended to attract youth people. Magaziner writes that the black consciouness movement and afircan in general stressed the importance of gender at this time. Men were to be men. Not only that age played a considerable role in preparing men to act in a certain manner. the black consciouness movement inspired groups such as cen to change their stance on apartheid from a good thing to a thing that opressed people like in the days of moses. I am still trying to find out what it meant about black messiah. that is still a little unclear to me.

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